Microjet Airshow

Torrey Ward is from Tarzana, CA.  His aviation passion began at the age of two, when he first noticed vapor trails left by commercial airliners and also skywriting aircraft high in the sky.  He knew then, he had to become a pilot.  On his 10th birthday, he took his first flight lesson and was hooked.  Just after finishing high school, he became a pilot.  Today he celebrates more than 40 years of flying and has acquired over 13,000 flight hours in more than 150+ different aircraft models.  Torrey has made a career as a military defense contractor, technology innovator, test pilot, skywriter and an airshow pilot.

Flying the Microjet is a true experience and not like other airplanes.  You are practically wearing the airplane and flying it makes you feel like “Ironman.” The demonstration in the Microjet will consist of basic aerobatic maneuvers such as loops, rolls, point rolls, ½ Cuban 8s, humpty bumps and inverted arcs. The speed range of the performance is between 90 – 300 mph and G forces between +5 and -1.  The peak altitude during the performance will reach nearly 3000 feet above the field.

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